

After getting your ears violated by a dog…

And a CPR from a HOT BABE (without mouth to mouth resuscitation, bummer!)

You are finally awake and survived the mind bending body aching warp trip! Don’t get comfy though, because ahead of you are far worst danger with numerous beast and events that might kill you in a lot of ways you can ever imagine.

Me: Kansas?
K: Hm? Kansas! The Kansas State, Duh!?
Me: Oh... k...
Me: I said O-K!
K: Yep??
Me: I said O-K...
K: Yeah i heard you! What do you want?!
Me: Nothing! I'm just saying its "OKAY"
K: Oh... k...

The Player Screen Guide
This is something you should get familiar with as soon as possible!

1: The red top bar is your HP. HP decreases when you get attacked, when you are out of stamina or when your fatigue is in critical level.  Your character dies when its HP reaches 0. Below it is your STAMINA bar which goes down when you perform combat actions, gather materials, craft items etc. Below the two bars is where you can see your BUFFS and DEBUFFS, please pay attention to your current buffs and debuffs as they greatly affect your character survival and performance.
  • Resting will recover your HP. You can also consume mushrooms or medicinal plants (cooked or raw) to regenerate your HP.
  • You can recover stamina by eating fruits, meat (cooked or raw) and by consuming medicinal plants.
  • Your HP and Stamina will fully regenerate when you level up.
  • When your character dies, you can either wait for a rescue or respawn to the nearest warp hole or back to your home. If you chose to warp then you will drop a number of items from your bag. So choose carefully and avoid dying at all cost!

2: Region Fatigue: This is where you can see how much fatigue the region puts on your character.
  • Doing simple things like taking a bath and drinking water will provide buffs that will decrease how much fatigue your character acquire.
  •  The smiley icon on the left of the Fatigue bar indicates your character current mood. The higher your fatigue gets, the worst your character mood becomes.
  • You can easily lower your fatigue by resting on a tent or on a fireplace/furnace.
  • Getting some sleep will provide a well-rested buff that will increase the exp you get over time.
  • Tapping the icon will show what forces affects your fatigue

3: This is the Fatigue bar. If your fatigue reaches past beyond the red line then your character will experience a debuff that will decrease its walking speed and will render your character weak.  
  • If your fatigue reaches critical level, the only thing you should do is either rest or warp back to stable island/home (if you are in a unstable island)
  • The higher the region level compared to your character the higher the fatigue.
  • You can check the island level on the map. So look before you leap!
4: The top square is your mini-map. Here you can see icons like your home, the path you walk/ran into, animal icons, material icons etc. You may tap the mini-map to open the whole region map. Below the mini map is the region Day and Night cycle. The arrow indicates if it is turning into day or night.
  • You might not see the surrounding wild beast due to an overlap of vegetation, so always watch out for yellow/red square icons on your mini-map as they indicate wild animals! The last thing you want is stepping into a raptors nest!
  • You can see your current coordinates on the mini-map. Although not always being used, it is still useful in terms of navigation and marking resource nodes.
  • The day and night cycle does not only affect the temperature (Day=Hotter, Night=Colder) but it also affects some behavior of the animals. You surely want to raid a raptor’s nest when they are all sleeping.
  • Temperature fluctuation affects how much fatigue your character gets, so bring your jacket and water with you.
  • Tapping the mini-map will open the region map where you can see more information about the surroundings and also enables the capability to Return to the Outpost or Return to Home at the base island.

5: The magnifying glass icon will show all the item, materials, structure, players and all object names when you tap it.
  • This is very useful when you want to target a certain animal/object surrounded by an overlapping vegetation. It is also great in knowing what wild beast is hiding underneath.
  • After tapping the magnifying icon, tap the name of the object/animal/player you want to interact with.
  • Tapping the magnifying glass icon will only show the name of objects covered by your current view range. So you might want to double tap the icon again to view the objects when you are moving.
6: These are the available interaction icons. For example, as you step into a body of water you will get the drink icon to drink water or wash icon to wash your body and get cleaned/refreshed.
  • As you should already know, drinking SALT WATER will cause more dehydration. Thus don’t expect to get the drink icon while you are stepping on salt water. However, you can still store salt water on a plastic bottle, but please don’t drink it!
  • The body of water that surrounds the island/region is SALT WATER while the water that flows inside the island/region is FRESH WATER. Knowing the difference will not only save your life in-game but also in real life.
  • The radar tracking icon is useful in knowing where warp nodes, meteor craters and ports are located.
  • Some objects may indicate a red wrench which indicates that you either lack the proper tools or a prerequisite skill is needed to perform such action.
7: Mini-Chat Box: This is where the last message is displayed. Sometimes the chat can be pretty fast, so I suggest you check the chat log by tapping Chat Log Icon (#10)
8: Mike icon: when this icon is enabled you can enter chat entries by speaking. Although it doesn’t really get everything correctly… Siri is that you?!

9: Fast chat entry box. Use this when you want to send a message on the currently selected channel (example: Region)
10: Chat Window icon, by tapping this icon you can open the whole chat window where you can focus on chatting with your friends, clan members, neighbors or send message through your region/world.
  • Region channel is where you can see the chat entries by your or your neighbors. This is a really busy channel on unstable islands, especially to those players asking to get revived!
  • System channel is where the chat entries of quest, game system are entered. So if you miss something, or did not understand what the NPC said, just hit the System chat channel and read the message.
  • You can double tap the name of players on the chat window and you can get the options to Befriend, Send message, Report and Block. Please use the report button properly!
  • When a player sends you a private message their name will appear on the left corner. Tap their name so that you will enter the private channel with that player. To leave the channel just tap the 3 vertical dots icon : on the upper right corner next to the X button then tap the leave icon on the lower right corner.
  • You can form group chats which are great for clans and group raids.

11: The Encouragement Icon. Tapping this icon will provide an uplifting buff to the players around you. The Encouragement Buff will last for 5 minutes and will make fatigue bearable.

Please use this icon whenever you can. If someone gives you a smiley buff then please return the favor.

12: The Confuse Me icon! Tapping this will open a bunch of icons which are more complicated that the ones before! Thus, Confuse Me!

The Character:
The Character Window is where you can see your character stats, exp, fatigue rate and the title system which a very few players are familiar with since it is not included on the tutorials.

To view each window, just swipe from left to right.
Character info tab is where you can see your character basic stats. You can tap the Character Info window to view the complete stats info of your character.

Surviving tab is where you can view your character current fatigue and fatigue gain.

Title tab is where you can view your current achieved titles, title benefits and it is also the same window where you equip titles enabling your character to gain extra stats.

Tip: ALWAYS check your title window especially when you completed new missions or received a new title. Equip the title with the most stats.

Equipment is where you view your combat stats, equipments and change equipments. The equipment skills can also be seen under the combat stats.

Tip: You can get cloths from package boxes, however, crafted items especially those at Lv15+ have better stats.

Bag is where you can see your currently held items, T-Stones, Gold coins and sorting options. In case you are wondering, that 4 white cubes icon, near the X icon, is used when you want to select multiple items. You can also select multiple items by tap and hold then select other items.

Tip: You may increase the capacity of your bag by wearing cloths with pockets. Please check cloth crafting for more information.

Craft/Build is the Confuse Me window part 2! This is where you will be making all sorts of stuff and this is where common sense and ingenuity works well. You will find yourself jumping from one tab to the other, especially when crafting complicated stuff.

Skill is the Confuse Me window part 3 and by far the most confusing window in this game! If Craft/Build window is where you do stuff, here on Skill Window is where you LEARN stuff! Each skill introduction is written above and I will provide an in-depth guide about skills later on, including the fastest and best way to level them up!

Career Guide is like a Side Quest tab where you can select your focused skill and complete quest/objectives base on your selected career.

Tip: Honestly, don’t bother about this early ingame. Task gets completed even if you don’t select the career. You might want to check this out when you reach level 25+. You can choose a career then you can choose to complete 3 quest/objectives that will provide a certain % to complete the career path.

Tip: You can change career whenever you like. Just tap the circle ? icon on ther upper right corner and select change career. You can also change the current quest by tapping the X icon on the quest bar.

Tip: Completing a career will provide you with a unique title and titles provides stats!

Island Market is where you can buy and sell items. Please take note that you have to build a Trading Post before you can benefit from this feature.

Tip: Always tripple check your item and item price before selling them.. you dont wanna sell a 30K worth item for just 3K! a missing 0 is disastrous!

Tip: Always check for the item stats before you buy. You dont wanna buy an expensive weapon that will break after 1 use due to a low durability!

Tip: You are in DURANGO... if you get scammed, no dinosaur will help you.

Now swipe upward after pressing Confuse Me to view the remaining buttons.

Communication is where you can view your current faction influence. You may tap each faction to view their message transmission records.

Tip: Completing certain activities will provide points to certain factions. For example, exploring meteor craters will provide points for Chlorophyll Forum and once you reached a certain points you will receive rewards and title.

Encyclopedia is where you can view notes, records, and jokes, historic entries of people who lived, survived and died in DURANGO.

So you better keep on reading unless…

Clan is where you can create or join a clan. Joining a clan provides a lot of benefits, although players at the time are more focused on learning about the game, clans features will surely get popular later on.

Beta Key allows you to share DURANGO Beta Keys with your friends. I think you can get 1 Beta Key each day.

Tip: *cough* Beta Keys *cough*

Now for the Magic 5 icons!

Mail icon is where you access the mails you receive. For now, the only messages we receive are from the system.

Tip: The system messages will provide you with 25 Golden Flower coins, which ingame are the so called PREMIUM CURRENCY. You can use this coins to imediately finish skill learning etc.

Tip: Upon reaching the stable island you will start receiving the system messages. 1 each day containing 25 Golden Flowe Coins.

Tip: I really dont know what is the name of those coins... buy hey, common sense, They look like Gold and looks like a Flower lolz

Friend’s icon is where you can view your current friends list.

Tip: You can basically add anyone as your friend without them knowing! They have no idea…Bwahaha

Camera/Screen Capture icon enables you to capture DURANGO MOMENTS!

and make some DURANGO MEME =P

Settings is where you can change your resolution, FPS, language, device orientation, sound, link and delete character. (more information about Settings and Optimization on the NEXT PAGE!)

13: At the very bottom is your EXP Bar. You will level-up once it reached 100%.

  • You gain exp basically on everything you do. From combat, crafting, consuming items, collecting etc.
  • The higher the quality and level of the item you crafted, the higher EXP you gain. The same effect happens when you consume higher quality/level items or defeat higher level targets.
  • You also gain EXP when completing quest from factions. This is one of the efficient ways to get EXP as you also gain faction points which will give you T-stones, GFCoins and titles which will provide additional stats when equipped.
  • Your HP and Stamina will fully regenerate when you level up. Use this to your advantage